Thursday, October 16


The Sauce Blog presents the first of many updates to come. Our objective is to service you with news on gems dropping daily, the latest happenings that interest us, as well as local rants from the certifiably insane. We know what you're thinking, "Why did it take us so long to start a blog?". The answser simply is: Don't start anything if you don't put the time and effort into it. The next thing you might probably ask is: "Is it true that you are opening a new shop?" Most definitely yes. It's been a long time in the making, with much emphasis put toward timing and perfecting a locale. It so happened the opportunity finally presented itself, and for us to not jump on this blessing would notably deem us lacking progression and foresight. Without roots the tree doesn't grow. With our roots now firmly planted, it's time for Special Sauce to grow exponentially. Our newest location will stay true to what we have become infamous for, and will also broaden it's selection to welcome emerging brands and continue to spread street culture couture for men and now the ladies. With that being said, stay with us to be up on the latest word. We are cooking up a few choice recipe's for you, that is sure to satisfy even the most discriminating palate!

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